Source code for pysad.statistics.abs_statistic

from pysad.core.base_statistic import UnivariateStatistic

[docs]class AbsStatistic(UnivariateStatistic): """The absolute value of the statistic that is tracked. Args: statistic_cls (class): The class of the statistic to be instiantiated. **kwargs (Keyword arguments): The keyword arguments that is input to the statistic_cls. """ def __init__(self, statistic_cls, **kwargs): self.statistic_cls = statistic_cls self.statistic = self.statistic_cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, num): """Updates the statistic with the value for a timestep. Args: num (float): The incoming value, for which the statistic is used. Returns: object: self. """ self.statistic.update(num) return self
[docs] def remove(self, num): """Updates the statistic by removing particular value. This method Args: num (float): The value to be removed. Returns: object: self. """ self.statistic.remove(num) return self
[docs] def get(self): """Method to obtain the tracked statistic. Returns: float: The statistic. """ return abs(self.statistic.get())