
You are welcome to contribute this project.

Code is not the only way to help the project. Reviewing pull requests, answering questions to help others on mailing lists or issues, organizing and teaching tutorials, working on the website, improving the documentation, are all priceless contributions.

We abide by the principles of openness, respect, and consideration of others of the Python Software Foundation:

In case you experience issues using this package, do not hesitate to submit a ticket to the GitHub issue tracker. You are also welcome to post feature requests or pull requests.

For any questions, you may open issue on Github or drop me an email at yilmaselimfirat (at)gmail(you know the rest).

Pull Request Checklist

  • Does features/fixes by your pull request matches the aim of this framework?

  • Does your code obey PEP8 principles? You may check via bash

  • Does your submission passes tests, Travis CI?

  • Have you checked the active pull requests and issues so that your contribution does not overlap significantly with these?

  • For new features Have you implemented tests so that your new code has more than 95% test coverage and the tests are reasonable?.

  • For new features Have you implemented examples demonstrating the usage of your new feature?

Development Instructions

To install requirements of development environment, run the following bash code:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

After you have done writing code, run the following bash code for checking:

bash # Building docs.
bash # Checking for PEP8 style.
pytest --cov=pysad --cov-config=.coveragerc # Running tests.